Where will you spend eternity_ In Heaven or in hell_


======================================,Where will you spend eternity? In Heaven or in hell? Where will you spend all eternity? In Heaven or in hell? Repent of sexual sin. Repent of porn. YAHUSHUA/Jesus shed HIS blood for you.,==================,I am one of the many youth ministers for Amightywind Ministries. For everyone who has not watched my testimony video (link is at the bottom of the description) I have not lived an easy life, but I live for the glory of YAHUSHUA to lead as many souls to HIM as I can. ,When I was growing up I was deceived by so many lukewarm Christians and people who claimed the name of Jesus Christ and even YAHUSHUA that I didn’t know what was true and what’s not. One of the main messages I heard was that if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you are saved, and it doesn’t matter what sort of sins you do after that, as long as you profess your faith in Jesus. However coming to Amightywind Ministries and reading the bible I shortly discovered that I was very wrong. The bible says to be Holy as YAHUVEH GOD is Holy (1 Peter 1:16). In this video I share with the true followers of YAHUSHUA many things YAHUVEH has taught me and things that I desire others who were in my shoes of believing in a “faith only” gospel to know.,I know this video will not make a lot of people feel tingly inside and make them feel better about their better life now. But I believe if this video reaches one soul for the glory of YAHUSHUA then when I see that one person in Heaven I will know it was worth it.,Amightywind Ministries is an International Ministry that leads souls to YAHUSHUA in 25 different languages, and this video is proof of that. Youtube user YAHsLadynred my Pastor and spiritual mother who has mentored me and taught me much in my walk with YAHUSHUA. And I encourage everyone watching this video to take the time to check out her channel, as well as Amightywind Ministries main websites:,http://amightywind.com/,and,http://almightywind.com/,—————————————–,YAHsladynred, YAHSservant777, YAHslittleone, YAHSHolyMinistry, YAHSsheep,Here is a link to my testimony video:,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuOYF7hMVHs

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