Lamb Music _YAHUVEH’s Army_


Mirrored Video Originally Uploaded by WeepingLambOfYah on Nov 25, 2010nn,(thanks Daughter) nn,nn,小羊詩歌播放清單連結:nn,,nn,小羊詩歌/Lamb Musicnn,專輯 主,我相信 nn,Album: Lord, I believenn,nn,nn,聽哪號角已經吹響,呼召耶和華的軍隊nn,快起來穿戴全副軍裝,靠主打美好勝仗nn,耶穌基督是大元帥,愛的旌旗在上飄揚nn,得勝的必得榮耀冠冕,身穿白衣與主同作王nn,nn,聽哪號角已經吹響,呼召耶和華的軍隊nn,快起來穿戴全副軍裝,靠主打美好勝仗nn,nn,耶穌基督是大元帥,愛的旌旗在上飄揚nn,得勝的必得榮耀冠冕,身穿白衣與主同作王nn,nn,真理作腰帶,公義作護胸nn,平安的福音作鞋子穿上nn,信心作盾牌,救恩做頭盔nn,神的道作寶劍拿在手上nn,nn,耶穌基督是大元帥,愛的旌旗在上飄揚nn,得勝的必得榮耀冠冕,身穿白衣與主同作王nn,nn,聽哪號角已經吹響,呼召耶和華的軍隊nn,快起來穿戴全副軍裝,靠主打美好勝仗nn,nn,English translation: (my bad translations woops)nn,nn,Hear! The trumpet has soundnn,Calling forth YAHUVEH’s armynn,Arise and don the full armor of YAHnn,Rely on HIM for a valiant fightnn,YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) is the supreme commandernn,Our banner of love lifts highnn,Conquerers crowned with glorynn,Dressed in white reign with HIMnn,nn,Hear! The trumpet has soundnn,Calling forth YAHUVEH’s armynn,Arise and don the full armor of YAHnn,Rely on HIM for a valiant fightnn,nn,YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) is the supreme commandernn,Our banner of love lifts highnn,Conquerers be crowned with glorynn,Dressed in white reign with HIMnn,nn,Truth as belt, righteous as breastplatenn,Wear peace of gospel as bootsnn,Faith as shield, salvation as helmetnn,Wield Word of YAH as mighty swordnn,nn,小羊 詩歌 中文 國語 耶和華 耶穌 聖靈 yahuveh yahushua yahshua yeshua jesus christ lord god heaven army worship christian 基督教

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