Amightywind Prophecy 33- The Horror, The Horror! As In The Time of Hitler, So It Will Be Again


Please visit This is Prophecy 33 given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah. For the Prophecy exposing the Gold Fever Revival mentioned in this video go to the link provided below, and that is Prophecy 32 BEWARE OF THE GOLD FEVER REVIVAL! ,(Excerpt from Prophecy 32) “I AM,” and MY Son YAHUSHUA are not glorified dentists. WE are the God of Creation. We do not copy man’s ways. Prayerfully seek the truth for there are those who seek to deceive you. This is nothing more than sorcery, wizardry, alchemy and enchantment, the magic of turning metal into gold. Beware spiritual leaders and the people who supernaturally get these gold fillings (although some claim it by trickery) in their mouths pick up messages from satan like a radio transmitter they will not be able to discern the true voice of the RUACH ha KODESH ever again. They have sold their soul for a mouthful of gold if they do not REPENT and get it removed. Study and show thyself approved.,(Excerpt from Prophecy 33) Remember Hitler? As I have told MY Prophets, learn from Hitler and you shall see what has been in the past shall be in the future. Oh, Oh, Oh!!! Rivers of Blood shall flow! You so-called Christians with your mouths full of gold. Its gold sent from hell! Gold sent from hell! Gold sent from hell! You’re foolish, Foolish! So satan can take back when he has given you. Did not Hitler pull gold teeth out of the mouths of the Jews? Satan mocks and laughs, as it was then he will do it again. Those who know ME, those who know ME, know this is not of ME. I am commanding you to be humble. Why would I have you show off a mouthful of gold? Is this not pride? I despise the leaders who teach this and lead MY People astray. You will know that you will know that you wicked spiritual leaders will stand before ME one day and hear ME say, “Depart from ME, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you!”,Fall on your faces and REPENT! Get the gold ripped out of your mouths before satan rips it out for just as Hitler did, they shall do it once again. The anti-christ shall call them extermination camps. Before he killed 6 million Jews, now it will be 666 million christians and Jews. Multitudes will be lukewarm in their faith, but before their life is taken, extinguished like a match flame, they will be on fire with the love of YAHUVEH. What they do not have now, they will have then. Wouldn’t it be easier now to sacrifice your mind, body, spirit and soul giving ME your will, doing it MY way or would you really rather wait to endure the HORROR that is to come?…,…The extermination camps will not be full of MY Bride. None of MY Bride will be found there. But it will be full of guests. I have but one Bride.,When you are rounded up like herded cattle, pressed against one another where you can’t move left or right, while you are still alive, the gold shall be ripped from your mouth. The gold shall be ripped from your mouth. The gold shall be ripped from your mouth and the jewelry from your body. That is what you get for following the false deceptions, great signs and wonders. I sent this prophet to warn you. Satan plays you; you are bait on the hook. Look and weep as spiritual leaders I once trusted dangle MY People like bait on a hook over the jaws of hell. The evil spiritual leaders line their pockets with gold as hell fills the people’s mouths with gold so the evil ones can rip it out like they did to the Jews. What you sow you will reap. – From Prophecy 33 The Horror, The Horror, The Horror! As In The Time of Hitler, So It Will Be Again!,Salvation prayer video,,Amightywind Ministries:,,African site:,Hebrew page:,Chinese:,Spanish:,Proof behind the prophecies:,,Elisabeth Elijah’s (yahsladynred on YouTube) testimony ,,If you are blessed by this video and other Amightywind Prophecy video’s please favor this video (to help warn and spread the Good News in YAHS Holy Prophecies) and subscribe to me and YAHSladynred.

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