PROPHECY 123 Devastation is Coming, Devastation is Here!
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,New Year 2014 Prophecy 123 given to Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah. Devastation is Coming!…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,New Year 2014 Prophecy 123 given to Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah. Devastation is Coming!…More
IMPORTANT – READ THIS ARTICLE!nn,http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/05/18/cdc-warns-public-prepare-zombie-apocalypse/#ixzz1Mkn1lmZZnn,nn,Elisabeth was praying for more confirmation on this Prophecy concerning the…More
IMPORTANT – READ THIS ARTICLE!nn,http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/05/18/cdc-warns-public-prepare-zombie-apocalypse/#ixzz1Mkn1lmZZnn,nn,Elisabeth was praying for more confirmation on this Prophecy concerning the…More
IMPORTANT – READ THIS ARTICLE!nn,http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/05/18/cdc-warns-public-prepare-zombie-apocalypse/#ixzz1Mkn1lmZZnn,nn,Elisabeth was praying for more confirmation on this Prophecy concerning the…More
IMPORTANT – READ THIS ARTICLE!nn,http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/05/18/cdc-warns-public-prepare-zombie-apocalypse/#ixzz1Mkn1lmZZnn,Elisabeth was praying for more confirmation on this Prophecy concerning the…More
Note: When God uses the word “bastard” in this Prophecy, it is not in a…More
THIS VIDEO IS A WARNING for all those that call themselves Christians. This is very…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,*Warning* TheJonathanKleck’s “Alien Communication Interception” is a trap from satan based on Mind Programming…More
THIS VIDEO IS A WARNING for all those that call themselves Christians. This is very…More
THIS VIDEO IS A WARNING for all those that call themselves Christians. This is very…More
Dit is Profetie 79 deel 1 gegeven aan Profeet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.,Index van Nederlands vertaalde…More
Dit is Profetie 79 deel 2 gegeven aan Profeet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.,Index van Nederlands vertaalde…More
THIS VIDEO IS A WARNING for all those that call themselves Christians. This is very…More
If you thought you’d had it all with Sherry Shriner, just watch this video and…More
http://www.amightywind.com/dutch.htmnn,nn,BEZOEK ook http://www.youtube.com/amightywind4hollandnn,nn,Deze reeks videos zijn gebaseerd of Profetie 21 die te vinden zijn op…More
http://www.amightywind.com/dutch.htmnn,nn,BEZOEK ook http://www.youtube.com/amightywind4hollandnn,nn,Deze reeks videos zijn gebaseerd of Profetie 21 die te vinden zijn op…More
http://www.amightywind.com/dutch.htmnn,nn,BEZOEK ook http://www.youtube.com/amightywind4hollandnn,nn,Deze reeks videos zijn gebaseerd of Profetie 21 die te vinden zijn op…More
http://www.amightywind.com/dutch.htmnn,nn,BEZOEK ook http://www.youtube.com/amightywind4hollandnn,nn,Deze reeks videos zijn gebaseerd of Profetie 21 die te vinden zijn op…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.comMore
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.comnn,nn,What did ya expect? It’s my Daddy YAH at work for HIS Glory.More
occultists taking advantage of a YouTube glitch to defame me… hey what did ya expect?…More
Teaching about Biblical LOVE, and how satan has deceived the christian churches, communities and simply…More
In this video I discuss RahabtheJerichonite’s utter hypocrisy. This kind of hypocrisy is worse than…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,ONLY the Power of the Cross can defeat the devil and his demons! ,Main…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,The slanderous lies of tjbrook88, accusing AmightyWind of using pornography to slander her REFUTED.…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.comnn,To a very special brother in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ, TrustYAH777. May this video…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,The true face of MLove4Christ: trickery, lies, deceit, hatred perpetrated “anonymously” on people that…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,BEWARE – tjbrook88 is blaspheming the Holy Spirit and deceiving others to do the…More
Discussing RedSmoky’s (aka Cranem Borage) psychological mumbo jumbo and great blasphemies. This man is under…More
GOD does NOT want HIS Children to be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14) especially in…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,The oldest complete Greek Bible (Codex Sinaiticus) does not contain the name JESUS.,Is the…More
Ladies and gentlemen, what you are about to see is SHOCKING footage straight from the…More
Ladies and gentlemen, what you are about to see is SHOCKING footage straight from the…More
Ladies and gentlemen, what you are about to see is SHOCKING footage straight from the…More
Important person on the phone; Tobi D. the biological daughter of Sheren of soldiersofthecross testifying…More
Important person on the phone; Tobi D. the biological daughter of Sheren of soldiersofthecross testifying…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Listen to this precious young man proclaiming his love for YAHUSHUA (Jesus Christ) and…More
Teaching in response to crosswayokc’s twisting and wrenching Truths combined with a spirit of showmanship…More
Important person on the phone; Tobi D. the biological daughter of Sheren of soldiersofthecross testifying…More
Important person on the phone; Tobi D. the biological daughter of Sheren of soldiersofthecross testifying…More
Important person on the phone; Tobi D. the biological daughter of Sheren of soldiersofthecross testifying…More
SEEING IS BELIEVING! Demons DO exist, so does satan. See demon manifest on the throat…More
http://amightywind.com http://almightywind.com,This video exposes how Sherry Shriner covers herself up from being a false prophet.…More
Important person on the phone; Tobi D. the biological daughter of Sheren of soldiersofthecross testifying…More
Shalom YAHUSHUA’s Truthseekers! This is a video in response to “redbonesmkia”, made in defense of…More
http://www.amightywind.com AmightyWind Ministry exposes Alien, Reptilian, Fallen Angel, Neo-Nazi, Shriner Freemason, False Prophet Sherry Shriner.…More
Shalom YAHUSHUA’s Truthseekers! This is a video in response to “redbonesmkia”, made in defense of…More
IMPORTANT: This my (YAHSservant777) video, not yahsladynred’s (Elisabeth Elijah’s) video. I would like to stress…More
IMPORTANT: This my (YAHSservant777) video, not yahsladynred’s (Elisabeth Elijah’s) video. I would like to stress…More
Renee M is at it again! More of her stupid videos predict a September 23…More
Well, this is Round 1 of some serious Bible discussion with RedSmoky aka Cranem Borage.…More
Beware of False Rapture Date Setter Renee Moses! The Rapture will NOT be on January…More
My response to a message that came in today from “picklesloveslights” that I think all…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,Do not listen to False Rapture Date setters like fivedoves.com and John Tng, or…More
Dit is gloednieuwe Profetie 125 gegeven aan Profeet Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia onder de Zalving van…More
My response to a message that came in today from “picklesloveslights” that I think all…More
Originally uploaded to yahsladynred channel. This is brand new Prophecy 125 given to prophet Elisabeth…More
IMPORTANT: This video is made by YAHSservant777, NOT by Elisabeth Elijah (yahsladynred). If anybody has…More
http://www.amightywind.com ,http://www.almightywind.com,”Once a Judas, Always a Judas.” This is what YAHUSHUA spoke to Prophet Elisabeth…More
IMPORTANT: !!See Pastorgeorgec aka pastorgeorgecc threatening SisterSunnShine in a stickam chatroom by pulling out a…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,In this video we discuss how Pastorgeorgec aka pastorgeorgecc and his Nehemiah (SIN) Center…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,Have you ever considered how much time the devil has had to infiltrate Christianity,…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,Have you ever considered how much time the devil has had to infiltrate Christianity,…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,Have you ever considered how much time the devil has had to infiltrate Christianity,…More
http://www.amightywind.comnn,http://www.almightywind.comnn,nn,In this Powerful video, we present to you an image that will never leave your…More
So, where does Nephtali get his inspirations for the “special” effects of his “christian” videos…More
“Nephtali1981”- nn,exposing his mind control techniques and forms of hypnosis in his videos that are…More
“Nephtali1981”- nn,exposing his mind control techniques and forms of hypnosis in his videos that are…More
Video will speak for itselfMore
No Frank don’t turn this around on me, you misrepresented me by putting me out…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,In this video we expose the utter hypocrisy and foolishness of a man who…More
This is the 1st part of a 5 series of videos in which we “step…More
Frank you are a liar that’s all I’ve got to say in this description. What…More
Beware of the REAL Cult of Renee Moses and her “legion” members such as “Say…More
http://www.amightywind.com ,http://www.almightywind.com,As many of you have already noticed, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH was not joking when HE told…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,This video deals with more slanderous propaganda being dictated by infiltrator pastorgeorgec aka pastorgeorgecc,…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,This is a very important video excerpt, for you to understand why infiltrators within…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.comnn,nn,This is the official YAH’s Knock OUT! Video game. Watch this video to see…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.comnn,This is a CENSORED version as certain individuals have done all they can do…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.amightywind.com,This is a congratulations video and a short testimony of how YAHUVEH GOD and…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,Renee Moses has an assigment from hell to kill the faith of Christians and…More
This video exposes the insane and contradictory statements of PublicWarnings and her satanist boyfriend Anthony…More
http://www.amightywind.com ,http://www.almightywind.com,It is funny that those like Enoch2 who chose to link themselves to pastorgeorgec…More
Do you want to know what you can do to help AmightyWind Ministry battle the…More
YAHSsheep777;nn,nn,”In November 2010 it will have been about a year since the war on Youtube…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,A solid example is given in this video of how members of pastorgeorgec aka…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,This is a MUST SEE Video in which we reveal, expose and reprove a…More
RevDrRussell: nn,nn,”Please state in the description DARA Ministries and AMW are seperate ministries with different…More
RevDrRussell: nn,nn,”Please state in the description DARA Ministries and AMW are seperate ministries with different…More
RevDrRussell: nn,nn,”Please state in the description DARA Ministries and AMW are seperate ministries with different…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.comnn,We celebrate the anniversary of AmightyWind Ministry and congratulate the leadership of AmightyWind, especially…More
http://amightywind.com http://almightywind.com,Even at this moment there are people contemplating to commit suicide because they believe…More
PLEASE READ THIS: http://blog.amightywind.com/2015-blood-red-moon-word/,LEES DIT A.U.B: http://blog.amightywind.com/2015bloedrode-maan/?lang=nlMore
YAHUSHUA’s Truthseekers, stay tuned as the satanists have declared spiritual warfare and a fast against…More
This video exposes PublicWarnings’ false doctrines and her relationship with satanist Anthony (user YAHUSHUAisLORD) with…More
http://www.amightywind-proroctwa.com/polishwebsite/polishindex.htmnn,Beloved dad and brother in YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, we wish you a HAPPY & BLESSED…More
http://www.amightywind.com,http://www.almightywind.com,This is a teaching video in which we prove two biblical pharisees, educated FOOLS (SanderClarijs777…More
http://www.amightywind.com,http://www.almightywind.com,This is a teaching video in which we prove two biblical pharisees, educated FOOLS (SanderClarijs777…More
see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2088733EBF71B8E,These videos 7/8 created and originally posted by native083,See his channel for more videos,http://www.youtube.com/user/native0083,Written/Spoken…More
see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2088733EBF71B8E,These videos 8/8 created and originally posted by native083,See his channel for more videos,http://www.youtube.com/user/native0083,Written/Spoken…More
http://amightywind.com http://almightywind.com,Beware, do not receive the evil spirit of doubt from the enemies of AmightyWind…More
see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2088733EBF71B8E,These videos 4/8 created and originally posted by native083,See his channel for more videos,http://www.youtube.com/user/native0083,Written/Spoken…More
see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2088733EBF71B8E,These videos 5/8 created and originally posted by native083,See his channel for more videos,http://www.youtube.com/user/native0083,Written/Spoken…More
see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2088733EBF71B8E,These videos 6/8 created and originally posted by native083,See his channel for more videos,http://www.youtube.com/user/native0083,Written/Spoken…More
see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2088733EBF71B8E,These videos 1/8 created and originally posted by native083,See his channel for more videos,http://www.youtube.com/user/native0083,Written/Spoken…More
see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2088733EBF71B8E,This video 2/8 created and originally posted by native083,See his channel for more videos,http://www.youtube.com/user/native0083,Written/Spoken…More
see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2088733EBF71B8E,These videos 3/8 created and originally posted by native083,See his channel for more videos,http://www.youtube.com/user/native0083,Written/Spoken…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
http://amightywind.com http://almightywind.com,AmightyWind and AlmightyWind Ministry’s associate Ministers who help minister from the New Zealand branch…More
www.AMIGHTYWIND.com & www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is an open letter from Prophet Elisabeth Elijah of Amightywind Ministries to…More
Shalom YAHUSHUA (Jesus’) truthseekers. www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Part 2 (3 of 4) of responses to several…More
Shalom YAHUSHUA (Jesus’) truthseekers. www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Part 2 (4 of 4) of responses to several…More
www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.com for YAHUSHUA (Jesus’) truthseekers out there!nn,nn,Part 1 of a short UPDATE!!nn,nn,Check out…More
www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.com for YAHUSHUA (Jesus’) truthseekers out there!nn,nn,Part 1 of a short UPDATE!!nn,nn,Check out…More
For YAHUSHUA’s truthseekers out there: www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Response to “redbonesmkia” & “MrCow”..nn,nn,~YAHSservant777More
www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Part 1 of a video response to several people including “redbonesmkia” and his…More
Shalom YAHUSHUA (Jesus’) truthseekers. www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Part 2 (1 of 4) of responses to several…More
Shalom YAHUSHUA (Jesus’) truthseekers. www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Part 2 (2 of 4) of responses to several…More
QUOTES from satanic plant Zachary Lailey. nn,nn,If this is still your Christian friend, then ask…More
For YAHUSHUA’s Truthseekers: www.amightywind.com & www.almightywind.comnn,nn,YAHUVEH’s Fire got stirred up after the continual and ongoing…More
For YAHUSHUA’s Truthseekers: www.amightywind.com & www.almightywind.comnn,nn,YAHUVEH’s Fire got stirred up after the continual and ongoing…More
This is a message to our friends, YAHUSHUA’s truthseekers who hear HIS Voice and listen…More
This is a message to our friends, YAHUSHUA’s truthseekers who hear HIS Voice and listen…More
For YAHUSHUA (Jesus’) truthseekers out there: www.amightywind.com nn,www.almightywind.comnn,Short video response to all the people out…More
Discussing the “catching away” of YAHUSHUA’s (Jesus’) Faithful Ones which is commonly called the “rapture”.…More
Discussing the “catching away” of YAHUSHUA’s (Jesus’) Faithful Ones which is commonly called the “rapture”.…More
www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Short vid response; what is a prophet?Are there still prophets today?More
AMIGHTYWIND’s YAHUSHUA’s demon STOMPERS troops are gathering on the wall. YAHUSHUA’s (Jesus’) Truthseekers check out…More
AMIGHTYWIND’s YAHUSHUA’s demon STOMPERS troops are gathering on the wall. YAHUSHUA’s (Jesus’) Truthseekers check out…More
AMIGHTYWIND’s YAHUSHUA’s demon STOMPERS troops are gathering on the wall. YAHUSHUA’s (Jesus’) Truthseekers check out…More
This is a Praise Report from Amightywind Ministry for that which is coming forth is…More
For the ones whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life, please visit…More
For the ones whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life, please visit…More
www.amightywind.com – www.almightywind.comnn,nn,Woe unto those that bless evil, for by blessing them they have made…More
AMIGHTYWIND’s YAHUSHUA’s demon STOMPERS troops are gathering on the wall. YAHUSHUA’s (Jesus’) Truthseekers check out…More
YAHUSHUA Truthseekers, listen carefully to this message and feed on the Truths being spoken in…More
YAHUSHUA Truthseekers, listen carefully to this message and feed on the Truths being spoken in…More
YAHUSHUA Truthseekers, listen carefully to this message and feed on the Truths being spoken in…More
YAHUSHUA Truthseekers, listen carefully to this message and feed on the Truths being spoken in…More
YAHUSHUA Truthseekers, listen carefully to this message and feed on the Truths being spoken in…More
Declaration of WAR on liars like soldiersofthecross John and Sheren.More
Declaration of WAR on liars like soldiersofthecross John and Sheren.More
Declaration of WAR on liars like soldiersofthecross John and Sheren.More
MIRACLE RED SEA FAST DECLARATION OF WAR part 5,see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=535EF02A88C83221More
MIRACLE RED SEA FAST DECLARATION OF WAR part 6nn,nn,see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=535EF02A88C83221More
AMIGHTYWIND CALLS MIRACLE RED SEA FAST DECLARATION OF WAR part 1nn,nn,see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=535EF02A88C83221More
Declaration of WAR on liars like soldiersofthecross John and Sheren.More
Are you deceived like the majority of lukewarm “christians” who contact me telling me that…More
MIRACLE RED SEA FAST DECLARATION OF WAR part 2nn,nn,see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=535EF02A88C83221More
MIRACLE RED SEA FAST DECLARATION OF WAR part 3nn,nn,see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=535EF02A88C83221More
MIRACLE RED SEA FAST DECLARATION OF WAR part 4,see playlist,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=535EF02A88C83221More
gossipersofthecross John and Sheren, busybodies, slanderers that invent evil. Knowing that those who do such…More
(Roman) Soldiersofthecross John and Sheren, you call this proof? Digging up clues in satan’s territory,…More
A short video concerning false flagger and hypocrite and adulterer and Commandment Breaker, and uhh..…More
Are you part of YAHUSHUA’s Bride without spot or wrinkle? ,Or are you part of…More
Redbonesmkia David this is my message to you, it is an invitation and a lesson…More
A short response and announcement to certain people. The video will speak for itself. nn,nn,www.amightywind.com…More
A video concerning those that contact me saying “your Ministry is wrecking up marriages, look…More
The enemies of this Ministry, along with their spiritual eyesight and hearing they have lost…More
Are you part of YAHUSHUA’s Bride without spot or wrinkle? ,Or are you part of…More
What I have seen, heard and read yesterday (march 3rd 2010) makes me want to…More
What I have seen, heard and read yesterday (march 3rd 2010) makes me want to…More
A challenge for those that claim I worship a woman instead of YAHUVEH, and many…More
What I have seen, heard and read yesterday (march 3rd 2010) makes me want to…More
What I have seen, heard and read yesterday (march 3rd 2010) makes me want to…More
What I have seen, heard and read yesterday (march 3rd 2010) makes me want to…More
What I have seen, heard and read yesterday (march 3rd 2010) makes me want to…More
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah letter to “wisdomhunter93” aka TheKathleenBean,If you love the Truth, watch these video’s.…More
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah letter to “wisdomhunter93” aka TheKathleenBean,If you love the Truth, watch these video’s.…More
http://www.almightywind.com/dutch.htmnn,nn,http://www.almightywind.com/prophecydutch/salvationp.dutch.htm nn,nn,YAHUSHUA (יהושוע), een Hebreeuwse Naam, is de oorspronkelijke Naam van JEZUS. We zijn nog…More
What I have seen, heard and read yesterday (march 3rd 2010) makes me want to…More
IMPORTANT: This video is made by YAHSservant777, NOT by yahsladynred. If anybody has a problem…More
Today YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA Jesus Christ anointed us to go into the enemies’ camp, to…More
Today YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA Jesus Christ anointed us to go into the enemies’ camp, to…More
Message to “AnotherBrotherMark”More
IMPORTANT: This is my video, and these are my words that I feel led to…More
This video is in response to Nephtali1981’s latest video against Apostle Elisabeth Elijah from AmightyWind…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com,2014 Prophecy America, Beware You Are Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter. Prophecy…More
http://www.amightywind.com & http://www.almightywind.com,False Blue Beam Rapture Explained videos:,Project Blue Beam, False Rapture Warning Dream,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyt2Yq3rquE,2015 The…More
AmightyWind Ministries invites you to join us in a world wide international Jericho March for…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com nn,nn,A Revealing Video EXPOSING ANTICHRIST AGENDA; NEW WORLD ORDER, Alien Invasion, Lady GaGa,…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com nn,nn,A Revealing Video EXPOSING ANTICHRIST AGENDA; NEW WORLD ORDER, Alien Invasion, Lady GaGa,…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com nn,nn,A Revealing Video EXPOSING ANTICHRIST AGENDA; NEW WORLD ORDER, Alien Invasion, Lady GaGa,…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.almightywind.com nn,nn,A Revealing Video EXPOSING ANTICHRIST AGENDA; NEW WORLD ORDER, Alien Invasion, Lady GaGa,…More
This video is in response to Nephtali1981’s latest video against Apostle Elisabeth Elijah from AmightyWind…More
IMPORTANT: This video is made by YAHSservant777, NOT by yahsladynred. If anybody has a problem…More
Exposing satan’s false Blue Beam Rapture through which he also seeks to go before YAHUVEH…More
Exposing satan’s false Blue Beam Rapture through which he also seeks to go before YAHUVEH…More
IMPORTANT: This is my video, and these are my words that I feel led to…More
Message to “AnotherBrotherMark”More