Yahsservant Victory!
YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers get the victory over fake Christians & satanists in this spiritual battle…More
YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers get the victory over fake Christians & satanists in this spiritual battle…More
This is my video rebuke to the lies, slander and blasphemy against YAHUVEH GOD’S Amightywind…More
Uploaded by YAHSservant777 on Jan 26, 2012nn,nn,YAHSservant777 taken advantage of a YouTube glitch to defame…More
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH/JESUS THE MESSIAH was born at Sukkot, the fall Feast of Tabernacles! Christimas…More
Fata Error Network – trap of satanists, witches, false Christians to get your IP address!More
Do not be deceived by the yt user childofyahvh. She is no child of YAHUVEH…More
Sabbath Scriptures ,Isaiah 58:13 “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from…More
Uploaded by YAHSservant777 on 11 Feb 2012nn,nn,*Warning* TheJonathanKleck’s “Alien Communication Interception” is a trap from…More
from YAHSservant777 – This is the 1st part of a 5 series of videos in…More
Amightywind Ministry Holy Golden Eagles in Concert! Please come!More
August 5, 2013,Test Tube Burger/Cloned Meat Warning! [Prophecy 47, “To Be Forewarned is to be…More
This is my prayer to ABBA YAHUVEH in regards to this spiritual battle on Mt.…More
A Psalm of David re GOD’S righteous judgment of the wicked.More
(false)Pastorgeorgec accused of pedophelia by another pastor video links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TybUgacRC40 ,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRGnaZfbeRk,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh24ixKEZuo,Psalm 94 New King James…More
The Rapture of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Bride is coming! Are you ready? Pray to be…More
http://www.amightywind.com/salvation/salvationprayer.htmnn,nn,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6xcc5NoOrA&list=PL95A87DC501ED8CBC&index=3&feature=plpp_video — Come to YAHUSHUA Today! nn,nn,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O83i1SKNM18&list=PL95A87DC501ED8CBC&index=1&feature=plpp_video — Salvation Prayer nn,nn,Amightywind Polandnn,www.amightywind-proroctwa.com nn,nn,Amightywind Afrikaansnn,http://www.africaforyahushua.comnn,nn,Amightywind Spanishnn,http://www.africaforyahushua.com/spanishwebsite/spanishindex.htmnn,nn,Amightywind…More
Video Exposure of Racism in falsepastorgeorgec’s/falsepastorgeorgecc’s Nehemiah Center Cult!More
Prophecy received by Prophet Elisabeth Eijah Nikomia July 8, 2012 on the occasion of the…More
Originally Uploaded by YAHSservant007 on Aug 29, 2011,Prove it, or admit you LIED! — 10…More
Vision of YAHUSHUA/JESUS – warning of false gold in churches – raptureMore
Nehemiah Center Cult of falsepastorgeorgec & Donny71954 exposedMore
The enemies started making videos against Sammo21001. When they did, he made a deal with…More
Elisabeth’s words after Prophecy: Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH! Thank YOU Beloved YAHUSHUA! Thank YOU precious…More
Published on Aug 2, 2012 by FollowerofYAH777 aka reuven0725,This is Prophecy 67 given to Prophet…More
February 15, 2013 – Meteor Hits Russia! Jan. 10, 2013 Prophet Elisabeth Elijah receives Prophetic…More
Please visit Amightywind.com for information on how to purchase Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT. Can…More
Rebuke to jfritzyb response to his lies re YAHUVEH GOD’S Amightywind MinistryMore
Warning! Jesusshedbloodforme is evil glute posing as a Follower of Jesus/YAHUSHUA. Do not be deceived…More
Salvation Prayer Amightywind ,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6xcc5NoOrA&list=PL95A87DC501ED8CBC&index=3&feature=plpp_video,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O83i1SKNM18&list=PL95A87DC501ED8CBC&index=1&feature=plpp_video,http://www.amightywind.com/salvation/salvationprayer.htm,Book of Adam and Eve,http://www.amightywind.com/treasure/1stadameve/adameve1.html,Prophecy 21: Zombie Reality part 1A,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWPNkEF82js&feature=plcp,This is my…More
http://www.amightywind.com/salvation/salvationprayer.htm,From Prophecy 112 “Do Not Focus on the Fallen” YAH Reveals Enemies’ Thoughts,The lies, the…More
Originally Published on Nov 3, 2012 by native0083 – thanks beloved son! ,http://www.amightywind.com/prophecyp/hurricane_sandy_news1.html,More than 90…More
Original song from YAH’S Holy Golden Eagles,December 2013 – Thanks beloveds of YAH!More
Happy Hanukah with love, from Amightywind Ministry!nn,nn,Hanukah dates: Sunset December 20 throughnn,Sunset December 28, 2011nn,nn,http://www.amightywind.com/hanukkah/hanukkah.htmnn,nn,Salvation…More
www.amightywind.com,www.almightywind.com,http://www.amightywind.com/salvation/salvationprayer.htm,Prophecy 53 “I HAVE GIVEN YOU THE VICTORY!”,Truly MY Children, you face the Red Sea.…More
*Have you ever read in Proverbs about the feminine Spirit of WISDOM who is referred…More
Happy Birthday TrustYAH777!More
May 24, 2012 is the 7th Anniversary of the Announcement from Heaven of YAHUSHUA’S Demon…More
Happy Blessed Birthday Beloved son Reuven0725More
Happy Blessed Birthday Beloved Daughter in YAH Jarofclay9! Associate Youth Minister Amightywind Ministry !More
Happy Birthday beloved sister and mum of Standupforyah03! We love you so much and pray…More
Happy Birthday EFESIOSSEISDIEZ/Exposetheevil007 dear brother and son in YAH! We rejoice on the day you…More
Happy Birthday to Amightywind Youth Ministry Yahsservant777/Yahsservant007 nn,from MomYahsLittleOne, Dad Ablewaterwalker, MommaYahsladynred & Dad NikoMore
Happy Birthday Beloved YDS! He4rtofFlesh, Abbasbeeloved, Yahswatchman97, Yahsholyministry007, DaughterofYah27, Yahsown777, Yahsbaby, Lawkeeper101, AtYahushuasfeet7 and Eastlightning!More
Happy Birthday 4theTruth100 Chos3n23 BrideofYAHUSHUA123More
Happy Birthday message to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah & Amightywind Ministry 2013! Woo hoo! One Day…More
Please DO not go to Fatal Error Network, they are seeking your IP Address. PastorGeorgec…More
In Prophecy 103 “I, YAHUVEH, Judge You By Your Fruit!” given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah…More
What does YAHUVEH GOD have to say about zombies and how do we destroy them?,Come…More
Happy 16th Birthday Almightywind.com! We celebrate 16 years on the internet for Almightywind.com. Praise YAHUVEH,…More
Visit http://2012.independent-candidate.org/ for candidates’ positions on the issues.,YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH says to “Vote for Morality”…More
My Response to lies and deception satan’s servants tell about YAHUVEH GOD’S Amightywind Ministry regarding…More
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah Call to Fast:nn,URGENT fast needed of 1-3 days.- the enemies are calling…More
Crosswayokc refers to himself as “satansladyndrag” — maybe he likes dressing up as a woman…More
Dec. 21, 2012 is NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! Do not follow the ungodly…More
Video response to depraved pornographic video Ruddy Robin (aka Heavensbow) made against Yahsservant777 & his…More
Have some supplies stored ahead in case of emergency YAH is telling us.More
Salvation Prayer video:,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNzyxsmaWaE,Anti-christ spoken of: ,http://amightywind.com/prophecy/proph37.htm,Prophecy 37: “I shall send forth this handmaiden I prophesy…More
YAHUSHUA/JESUS died for our sins to make a way back to Heaven for us! Praise…More
The end time spiritual battle is for the truth as satan’s servants lie and pretend…More
Prophecy 73 given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah about YAHUVEH GOD’S Judgment coming upon the whole…More
Songs written by ablewatewalker. Copyright Dec 1, 2011nn,17. Food At YAH’s Amightywind Ministrynn,148. Song For…More
Video originally done by reuven0725.nn,nn,Accepting YAHUSHUA / Jesus Christ as the only Saviour, the Son…More
Happy Birthday Elisabeth & AmightyWind! nn,nn,AmightyWind Ministry is 24 years old April 4, 2012! woo…More
This video was done by DaughterofYAH27.nn,nn,Link to Prophecy, UFO dream mentioned and bible verses that…More
YAHUVEH GOD uses HIS AmightyWind Ministry as a separator of wheat & tares, sheep &…More
Video made by DaughterofYAH27nn,nn,”When you read in the Word that’s been translated and they dare…More