When was Rosh HaShanah 2011_ New Moon Explained – Question
When was Rosh Ha Shanah 2011?nn,nn,It depends on whether you determine the New Month by…More
When was Rosh Ha Shanah 2011?nn,nn,It depends on whether you determine the New Month by…More
Who is the Scarlet Woman, Whore of Babylon? Mother of Harlots? Jezebel?nn,nn,She is the ancient…More
Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement is the holiest day of the year and a day…More
let’s just call this the teaser trailernn,nn,hours of footage exposing crosswayokc (and his coven etc).…More
May 21 2011 is not the rapture of the True Bride of YAHUSHUA. Warn people…More
Here’s playlist – all videos in order:,goo.gl/j2HfhmMore
Sing “Christmas Carols” on Sukkot, that is the true time of JESUS’s Birth. He was…More
YAHUSHUA (יחושוע), a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still saved…More
AmightyWind Minsitry is in the midst of what seems to be a modern day reenactment…More
See “Passover Made Simple” section on this page for a short, easy to follow Seder:nn,http://amightywind.com/passover/PassoverMadeSimpleUpdated.htmnn,nn,Part…More
אנחנו צריכים לבטא את שמות הקדושים, י-ה-ו-ה ויהו-שוע, לא רק “אֲדֹנָי”, לא רק “הַשֵּׁם”, לא…More
Psalm 117 in 12 languages…nn,English, Afrikaans, Polish, Japanese, Finnish, Russian, Dutch, French, German, Spanish &…More
נבואה 119 קריאה לחזרה בתשובה או תאבד, יש ל-יה את מספרךnn,nn,אלה הם היודעים מה הם…More
Yes, there is a true rapture, but satan will counterfeit it! Beware! You must watch…More
Pronunciation of the Hebrew words for:nn,nn,Passover,nn,Feast of Unleavened Breadnn,Firstfruits/ Start of the Harvestnn,nn,Feast of Shavuotnn,nn,Head…More
Please pay attention to the ENTIRE video before jumping to a conclusion. I am making…More
Is the HOLY SPIRIT a HE, SHE or IT?nn,nn,ABSOLUTE, undeniable PROOF from Scripture Manuscripts as…More
Shall the ax boast against it’s maker? No.nn,nn,Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not…More
This is a video on Pentecost/Shavuot 101 – basic overview on the origins and an…More
http://www.amightywind.com http://www.amightywind.comnn,nn,This is a congratulations video and a short testimony of how YAHUVEH GOD and…More
part 2 nn,nn,AmightyWind Minsitry is in the midst of what seems to be a modern…More
The New Moon was sighted September 17th 2012 around 7 PM Israel time, so Rosh…More
Reading the book of Revelation, it becomes very apparent that whomever penned the passages about…More
URGENT – ALWAYS use fire safetynn,nn,Last Minute Menorah, Homemade Hanukiah for Hanukah – oil or…More
The only Christian alternatives to Halloween are the Holy Days sanctioned by God in HIS…More
From JESUS Words, did Adam keep the Sabbath? Does Scripture stay silent or provide proof…More
Happy Birthday from all your family!! These are Momma Rm’s birthday greetings for you!nn,with all…More
egotistical lying maniac crosswayokc exposed for what he is – just warming up.nn,nn,According to crosswayokc’s…More
egotistical lying maniac crosswayokc exposed for what he is – just warming up.nn,nn,According to crosswayokc’s…More
Satan has his counterfeit spirit, she came as Jezebel and that spirit has invaded the…More
viewer discretion advised (zombies, Harry Potter). From a June 5, 2005 live shortwave radio broadcast,…More
The second half of the video are excerpts compiled by nn,YTforYAHUSHUAnn,See his video here:nn,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsrznzvIVqcnn,nn,This is…More
Elijah Warns on Spiritual Mount Carmel,Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah is her full legal name. This is…More
היזהרו מהסוס הטרויאני! אמריקה תבגוד בישראל! נבואה 57nn,30 יוני 2002nn,nn,Hebrew translation of Prophecy 57 “Beware…More
נבואה 120nn,nn,אל תוותר! אל תעזב!nn,סוכות, שחזור הנבואה למתרגם העברי,nn,יהודים משיחיים וכל המאמיניםnn,נתקבל ב – 19…More
ארגון שירות “אמייטיווינד” – רוח חזקהnn,http://amightywind.com/Hebrew.htmlnn,http://almightywind.com/Hebrew.htmlnn,nn,ארגון שירותnn,הראשון והאחרון האלף והתוnn,רוח חזקה ואש קודש השכינהnn,ההזדמנות האחרונהnn,nn,או…More
Chanukah–also spelled Hanukkah. Hanukkah–means “dedication” and is also referred to as “The Festival of Lights”,…More
Crosswayokc is a satanic plant. He practices voodoo, pretends to be a Christian and attempts…More
As long as you believe the Bible, it doesn’t matter if you call yourself “Trinitarian”…More
Isaiah 13:9-11; Joel 2:30-31. YAHUSHUA/JESUS said Matthew 24:29-30; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25-27 the “Blood Moon”…More
Biblical Proof: Spontaneous Human Combustion from Elijah & Moses’ Prayers / What’s a Prophet?nn,nn,video includes…More
[1] First, light the Shamash ONLY and then say the Hanukah Blessings directly below. [2]…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
Praying and prophesying live…These are from the www.AMIGHTYWIND.com and www.ALMIGHTYWIND.com radio archives of 2 radio…More
…letter in two parts. Satanist Bobby Barnes reaped what he sowed…and is now dead by…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,www.AMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is the 2nd of 4 parts originally done in response to a video (Amightywind…More
www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,www.AMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is the 4th of 4 parts originally done in response to a video (Amightywind…More
The only thing we steal, is snatching souls out of the fiery hand of satan…More
…letter in two parts. Satanist Bobby Barnes reaped what he sowed…and is now dead by…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,www.AMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is the 1st of 4 parts originally done in response to a video (Amightywind…More
www.ALMIGHTYWIND.comnn,www.AMIGHTYWIND.comnn,nn,This is the 3rd of 4 parts originally done in response to a video (Amightywind…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
WARNING – This is the most controversial prophecy released thru AMIGHTYWIND.com ALMIGHTYWIND.com thus far.nn,nn,If you…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
see playlistnn,http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CCF4ACA3B4A4F070nn,…a letter in 9 parts (some parts much shorter than others) from Jackie Alma…More
親愛的YAHUSHUA(耶穌),我現在接受祢作為我的主和救主,祢是我所愛的 神。我相信祢在髑髏地付出了我罪的代價,祢死去並在第三天復活了。nn,nn,我請求祢進入我的心,原諒我和我的罪,洗滌乾淨我所有的不義。我很抱歉我犯了罪,並且我離開這些罪。nn,nn,謝謝祢以祢的聖靈充滿我,給了我讓我有終生事奉祢的渴望,和在我裡面活祢的生命,YAHUSHUA(耶穌),讓祢被榮耀!nn,nn,謝謝祢給我渴望去閱讀祢的聖經,給我智慧去瞭解它,謝謝祢愛我,拯救我的靈魂,使我的信心增長,讓我有一天能在天國與祢在一起。nn,nn,現在請用祢的聖靈充滿我, 奉祢的名YAHUSHUA(耶穌),我祈求祢會從惡者那拯救我!nn,nn,幫助我YAHUSHUA(耶穌),每一個人都犯了罪並虧缺了YAHUVEH(耶和華)的榮耀,祂讓祢來拯救我們這些罪人,所以祢被稱為我們的救主。阿門。nn,nn,nn,請再閱讀一次這篇禱告。這次不要用腦裡的知識,但要以全心去讀,要相信並記得YAHUSHUA(耶穌)nn,並不只是 神,祂也是你最好的朋友!nn,nn,祂非常關心你,祂非常愛你,愛你現在的樣子。祂討厭罪,但祂愛身為罪人的你!nn,nn,YAHUSHUA(耶穌)為你的罪付了代價,現在你再也不需要內疚譴責自己!向YAHUSHUA(耶穌)承認你的罪。nn,nn,把罪列出來,然後告訴祂你非常抱歉,nn,nn,請求祂原諒你!你所有過去跟現在的罪。nn,nn,罪是你曾經做過的,或現在還在做讓神聖的YAHUVEH(耶和華)不開心的事。要記住! 沒有人是完美的!nn,nn,學習活在聖潔中,奉YAHUSHUA(耶穌)的聖名和寶血順服 神的十誡(啟示錄12:11)。沒了祂的寶血、聖名和聖靈恩膏,單以你的力量是不可能活在聖潔中的。nn,nn,閱讀新約來更了解YAHUSHUA(耶穌)。約翰福音三章16節( 神愛世人、甚至將祂的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信祂的、不至滅亡、反得永生)。聖經說你必須承認祂作為主和救主,讓祂在天父YAHUVEH(耶和華)面前也承認你。nn,nn,祂從死裡復活,現在在天國坐在YAHUVEH(耶和華)的右手邊。nn,nn,就從讀約翰福音十七章3節開始來了解YAHUSHUA(耶穌)。永生指的是認識YAHUSHUA(耶穌)。從現在開始。nn,nn,不要以YAHUSHUA(耶穌)作為羞恥,因為祂不以你羞恥!今天就告訴別人你接受了髑髏地和拿撒勒的YAHUSHUA(耶穌)!nn,nn,天國的眾天使都在歡呼!nn,nn,讓我們與你一起歡樂。如果你需要牧師,我們有很多位!歡迎來到YAHUSHUA(耶穌)的家庭!我們如果不在地球上和你見面,我們期待與你在天國見面!nn,nn,請電郵伊莉莎白(Elisabeth)讓她知道你剛從我們寶貴的彌賽亞YAHUSHUA(耶穌)那繼承了永恆的生命!nn,nn,http://amightywind.comnn,http://almightywind.comnn,——————-nn,國語 詩歌 華人 救恩 禱告 阿們 全然為祢 何等深情 小羊詩歌 耶穌…More
TJbrook88 says that AmightyWind Ministry practices and supports polygamy. What is her evidence? Video debunks…More
親愛的YAHUSHUA(耶穌),我現在接受祢作為我的主和救主,祢是我所愛的 神。我相信祢在髑髏地付出了我罪的代價,祢死去並在第三天復活了。nn,nn,我請求祢進入我的心,原諒我和我的罪,洗滌乾淨我所有的不義。我很抱歉我犯了罪,並且我離開這些罪。nn,nn,謝謝祢以祢的聖靈充滿我,給了我讓我有終生事奉祢的渴望,和在我裡面活祢的生命,YAHUSHUA(耶穌),讓祢被榮耀!nn,nn,謝謝祢給我渴望去閱讀祢的聖經,給我智慧去瞭解它,謝謝祢愛我,拯救我的靈魂,使我的信心增長,讓我有一天能在天國與祢在一起。nn,nn,現在請用祢的聖靈充滿我, 奉祢的名YAHUSHUA(耶穌),我祈求祢會從惡者那拯救我!nn,nn,幫助我YAHUSHUA(耶穌),每一個人都犯了罪並虧缺了YAHUVEH(耶和華)的榮耀,祂讓祢來拯救我們這些罪人,所以祢被稱為我們的救主。阿門。nn,nn,nn,請再閱讀一次這篇禱告。這次不要用腦裡的知識,但要以全心去讀,要相信並記得YAHUSHUA(耶穌)nn,並不只是 神,祂也是你最好的朋友!nn,nn,祂非常關心你,祂非常愛你,愛你現在的樣子。祂討厭罪,但祂愛身為罪人的你!nn,nn,YAHUSHUA(耶穌)為你的罪付了代價,現在你再也不需要內疚譴責自己!向YAHUSHUA(耶穌)承認你的罪。nn,nn,把罪列出來,然後告訴祂你非常抱歉,nn,nn,請求祂原諒你!你所有過去跟現在的罪。nn,nn,罪是你曾經做過的,或現在還在做讓神聖的YAHUVEH(耶和華)不開心的事。要記住! 沒有人是完美的!nn,nn,學習活在聖潔中,奉YAHUSHUA(耶穌)的聖名和寶血順服 神的十誡(啟示錄12:11)。沒了祂的寶血、聖名和聖靈恩膏,單以你的力量是不可能活在聖潔中的。nn,nn,閱讀新約來更了解YAHUSHUA(耶穌)。約翰福音三章16節( 神愛世人、甚至將祂的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信祂的、不至滅亡、反得永生)。聖經說你必須承認祂作為主和救主,讓祂在天父YAHUVEH(耶和華)面前也承認你。nn,nn,祂從死裡復活,現在在天國坐在YAHUVEH(耶和華)的右手邊。nn,nn,就從讀約翰福音十七章3節開始來了解YAHUSHUA(耶穌)。永生指的是認識YAHUSHUA(耶穌)。從現在開始。nn,nn,不要以YAHUSHUA(耶穌)作為羞恥,因為祂不以你羞恥!今天就告訴別人你接受了髑髏地和拿撒勒的YAHUSHUA(耶穌)!nn,nn,天國的眾天使都在歡呼!nn,nn,讓我們與你一起歡樂。如果你需要牧師,我們有很多位!歡迎來到YAHUSHUA(耶穌)的家庭!我們如果不在地球上和你見面,我們期待與你在天國見面!nn,nn,請電郵伊莉莎白(Elisabeth)讓她知道你剛從我們寶貴的彌賽亞YAHUSHUA(耶穌)那繼承了永恆的生命!nn,nn,http://amightywind.comnn,http://almightywind.comnn,——————-nn,國語 詩歌 華人 救恩 禱告 阿們 全然為祢 何等深情 小羊詩歌 耶穌…More
mirrored video fr YAHSservant777nn,nn,AMIGHTYWIND MINISTRY’s Theme song used in a video announcement of the upcoming…More
Salvation Prayernn,nn,http://www.amightywind.com/salvation/salvation.htmnn,nn,YAHUSHUA (יהושוע), a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still…More
WHO is Proverbs 8-9’s Wisdom clearly portrayed as a woman? Scriptures showing the Identical Role…More
This prayer was given by the HOLY SPIRIT to Elisabeth Elijah decades ago to help…More