Holy Rapture Dreams and WORD given to Elisabeth Elijah, YAHSLadynred, with blessed Song


Originally re-uploaded by ABBAsbeeloved on Feb 4, 2012,(thanks daughter) ,http://www.amightywind.com,http://www.almightywind.com,Dreams read by AtYAHUSHUASFeet7 and ABBASBeeloved ,bible scripture and song sung by Beloveds Ablewaterwalker and YAHSlittleone for YAHUSHUAS GLORY! Sing with us, lyrics inclued 😀 ,to see other holy prophetic dreams click here: ,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXTvqWM6Rzc,Entire WORD here:,http://www.amightywind.com/rapture/whatif.htm,”What If Rosh HaShanah Is The Day That I Come?”,Word give September 15, 1998,to Elisabeth Elijah (YAHSLadynred on Youtube),I went to bed and woke up weeping on 9/16/98, for I had been praying in my sleep, which isn’t unusual, for many times this has happened and it’s like all night even while I sleep, I am praying. But what was unusual is I awoke and was weeping, sobbing, and intervening for the Bride of YAHSHUA MESSIAH. I heard a voice speak these words that awoke me… “What If Rosh Ha Shanah Is The Day That I Come?”,I heard it for two days, on September 15, 1998 and September 16, 1998. Though some will think I am insane for speaking this, I know I am held accountable if I don’t. Ezekiel 3: 17:21 says, when a Watchman is given a warning and he or she doesn’t pass it on, then the blood will be on their hands, but when they do give the warning and even if they don’t listen, the blood will not be on our hands, so I am warning like YAHSHUA warned me in the same Words, “What If Rosh HaShanah is the day that I come?”,As I said, I awoke to this voice. It was almost audible but I know it wasn’t “audible”, but loud enough to have been audible. And it was YAHSHUA speaking. I know that voice, the same one that told me of West Virginia and Wrath, the same one that told me of, “Six eclipses, then HE comes”….,This video also includes a Holy Dream given to Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) it was included here in this blessed page: ,http://www.amightywind.com/elisabeth/051001yahuvehroars.htm,A Very blessed Scripture passage is shared by ABLEWATERWALKER along with an anointed song for YAHUSHUAS GLORY! “HE’s Coming Soon!” ,HALLELU-YAH! Please sing along with us~~ ,To see more anointed videos you can go to Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) own You Tube channel at yahsladynred ,If you are unsure of what road you are on please visit our salvation page at: ,http://www.amightywind.com/hell/reservehell.htm because we care about your soul~,dream word poem poetry Rosh ha Shanah Rapture song Hes Coming Soon yahsladynred Messianic Jewish christian followers YAHWEH YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA RUACH HA KODESH Holy Spirit HE lives Pentecostal gospel lord hebrew dreams salvation turner requiem prophecy prophet study preaching religion Salvation truth

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