Project Blue Beam, False Rapture Warning Dream of Counterfeit Rapture


Yes, there is a true rapture, but satan will counterfeit it! Beware! You must watch this video! Beware when the world powers will put holograms in the sky to lead you out as a sheep to slaughter!nn,nn,Do not be surprised, satan will counterfeit the rapture – may be even before the true one occurs!nn,nn,Turn on annotations for in-video links to worknn,nn,Prophetic Rapture Warning Dream:nn, False, UFO Blue Beam, Counterfeit Rapturenn,nn,from a live shortwave radio broadcast from the Summer of 2005 with Prophet Elisabeth Elijahnn,nn,excerpt from the following longer video:nn,,nn,Please make sure your annotations are turned on, or else links won’t work!nn,nn,for more, visitnn,amightywind.comnn,almightywind.comnn,nn,We do NOT believe in ONLY ONE of the following:nn,[1] Pre-Tribulation Rapturenn,[2] Mid-Tribulation Rapturenn,[3] Post-Tribulation Rapturenn,nn,The Bible gives evidence for ALL three, so we believe it will be a combination of ALL three.nn,nn,But the Bible does not give sure evidence for a single MASS Church Pre-Tribulation Rapture!nn,nn,PROPHECY 49, October 1, 2001nn,Don’t you yet see, that is why I spoke audibly to her, and said, “Say not that you are pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib, for it is none of these things.” Don’t you yet see it is because ALL of you are right. Even those who believe YAHUSHUA comes again after the Tribulation, for does HE not come to rule and reign on earth as he does in Heaven? How much anger you have caused ME over this foolish division. Can you now put this debate to rest?nn,PROPHECY 49, BEWARE, YOU ARE LIKE SHEEP BEING LED TO THE SLAUGHTER! Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah

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