Fake Christian Exposes Herself, Bad Fruit – just a sample, Self-righteous TJbrook88


The second half of the video are excerpts compiled by nn,YTforYAHUSHUAnn,See his video here:nn,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsrznzvIVqcnn,nn,This is just a sample of the bad fruit TJbrook88 exhibits. She is reprobate and has blasphemed the HOLY SPIRIT by calling the work of the HOLY SPIRIT in this Ministry, the work of satan. YAHUSHUA/JESUS said there can be no remission of this sin. She is full of the lying, accusing spirit of Jezebel and reveals her own spirit, for as YAHUSHUA said “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” i.e. that is to say that whatever you harbor in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth.nn,nn,nn,for more & 120+ End Time Prophecies visitnn,http://amightywind.com/nn,http://almightywind.com/nn,We are an Apostolic, Messianic Jewish, Pentecostal Ministry

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