Originally Published on Sep 15, 2013 by EFESIOSSEISDIEZ (thanks beloved son),Esta es una de mis canciones favoritas que lo quiero compartir a todos mis verdaderos hermanos y hermanas que obedecen a YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH en todo, esforzándose y cumpliendo los mandamientos de ABBA YAHUVEH sin romperlos incluyendo guardar el Sabbat y viviendo en Santidad, LA NOVIA DE YAHUSHUA.,Esto es un preámbulo de lo que iba a venir el SALVADOR a salvarnos de toda esclavitud y de todo yugo, nuestro MESIAS YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH que nos redimió de todo pecado y darnos la vida eterna.,In English: ,This is one of my favorite songs that I want to share all my true brothers and sisters who obey YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH around, trying and fulfilling the commandments of ABBA YAHUVEH without breaking including keeping the Sabbath and living Holy, BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA . This is a preview of what was coming to save the SAVIOR of all bondage and the yoke, our MESSIAH YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who redeemed us from sin and give us eternal life.,Salvation prayer: “Come to YAHUSHUA Today”,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O83i1SKNM18,Salvation page and prayer with videos,http://www.amightywind.com/salvation/salvation.htm,African site: http://www.africaforyahushua.com/ ,Chinese site: http://www.amightywind.com/chinese/,Polish site: http://www.amightywind-proroctwa.com/polishwebsite/polishindex.htm ,Spanish site: http://www.amightywind.com/spanish/spanishindex.htm ,Hebrew page: http://www.amightywind.com/Hebrew.html,Norwegian page: http://amightywind.com/norwegian.html,FREE DOWNLOAD STUDY GUIDE COMPARING KJV OT WITH HEBREW WORDS http://www.SCRIPTURE4ALL.ORG ,Judges 3:10 compare and see for yourself how KJV changed the Hebrew word to Greek.
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