Beloved Apostle Ezra blowing the Shofar on Mount Carmel , YAHUVEH GOD commanded Jews to hear the shofar, the blasts of which shake Jews out their spiritual slumber, reconnecting their souls to the Source of all life. Perhaps most importantly, the shofar helps the Jewish people recommit themselves to their divine mission in this world., The shofar (שופר) is a Jewish musical instrument made by removing marrow from the horn of a ram, sheep, or goat. While the shofar makes a beautiful, trumpet-like sound that resonates throughout the synagogue, it is much more than a simple musical instrument. Indeed, for Jewish people of all walks of life, the shofar is a spiritual tool that awakens their souls, providing a primal form of prayer during the highest holy days of the year.,The history of the shofar dates back many thousands of years, with explicit references to it in the Jewish Bible, rabbinic literature, and writings of the Sages. In perhaps the most dramatic moment in Jewish history, the shofar was blown as Moses ascended Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. Similarly, shofars were used in the Book of Joshua to capture the city of Jericho. During the times of the First and Second Holy Temples, shofars were used along with trumpets to mark important occasions and ceremonies. In short, the shofar was blown to announce the start of holidays and wars throughout Jewish history., Red Sea Crossing 😀 , Love Story of Beloved Apostle’s Elisehva Eliyahu and Ezra
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